Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Library 2.OH NO!

Or rather, Oh Yes!

Rick Anderson's article, "Away from the 'Icebergs'" is right on point. Slowly, our collections are moving away from a "just in case" plan. As I remove last copies that have circulated 5 times since 1983 (and earlier), part of me is sad to see a title someone obviously felt a need to keep, being thrown on the discard heap. At the same time, what does it say that in over 20 years, only 5 people found this title - and then checked it out. Perhaps easily discovered digital copies will end up finding greater readership than print copies. We cannot warehouse every copy, just in case.

Anderson's point about training is also very dear to my heart. While I know that we will always have customers for whom even the most simple web page is a challenge, we certainly do not need to add to their woes or ours by making things needlessly complicated - just because we can.
And then I read Wendy Schultz's article "To a temporary place in time...." Boy, Library 4.0 sounds really cool. It also sounds costly. She mentions partnering with private sponsors who will provide sensory treats. I just hope private partners won't take the public out of the public library.


Justin said...

link to her article?

**5p34k1nt0ngu3z** said...

Most definitely, I would be interested in links as well, if not an article title or two.


Library Thing