Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Pondering Technology

As per Thing #7, today's post is ANYTHING about technology. What a difficult assignment. I appreciate a little direction - it saves time.

OK - so - technology. Time saver or time waster? Too many times, I get caught up in messing around with gadgets, new web sites, toys, etc. While tech helps me find answers quickly, it also leads me down the garden path - a touch of this, a sample of that, oooh, look over there. It also throws up roadblocks at the drop of a hat. Most of the time, I'm thankful for the ways I can use technology. Occasionally, the capabilities of technology make me feel that I should be doing more. Enough blather - time to post.

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Thing # 6 of L&P@CML - More Flickr-ing

I have fiddled around with Flickr and its services. Of the ones I tried, I'd have to say that the one that sucked me in was retrievr. Some of the pictures chosen to match my doodles were "right on." Others required a little imagination. If you want to try it, check out this link:

Monday, August 25, 2008

Week 3 of L&P@CML - or My Friend Flickr

Hilliard Weeder
Originally uploaded by rrossbach.16
OK, I've checked out Flickr (several times). But since I haven't been taking many photos recently, I didn't have anything to post.

With a little help from a coworker, we captured an image of the wily WMD Weeder that lurks in the stacks at the Hilliard branch. While the shared PC's were a little difficult to manage, we were able to get the image off the camera. Updloading it to Flickr was a breeze. Now let's see if I can get the silly thing onto this post.

Friday, August 22, 2008

I'm Trying to Keep Track, Really I Am

After having (and losing) multiple bits of paper listing all the titles I HOPE to read, I have decided to use Shelfari to keep track of those titles. At the very least, it has to be tidier than what I was doing. However, I have the uneasy feeling that this list will continue to grow and I will never have the time necessary to read all of them.

Thursday, August 14, 2008

Lifelong learning

As you can tell from the title of this blog, my biggest difficulty with the 7 1/2 habits is the goal setting. I've never found it easy to set specific goals. There's always so much more that needs to be addressed - hence I meander.

The easiest of the habits for me is the teaching and mentoring of others. There is nothing like teaching others to learn the material. Mentoring is also an excellent way to learn patience. Trying to come up with an explanation that another can grasp can be frustrating. Finding the explanation that clicks is exhilarating.

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

I have entered the blogosphere

Don't look now, but another blithering idiot has created a blog. Is it only my imagination, or is this the 21st century answer to navel gazing?

I hope to use this spot to keep up with the many titles I am reading/listening to. Maybe I'll be more faithful to this listing than I am to Library Thing or Good Reads. Time, as always, will tell.

Library Thing