Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Don't Get All Twitter-pated

I've signed up for Twitter (as radnor17). I can't decide whether this is more exhibitionistic or voyeuristic. I guess it depends on whether I'm being followed or I'm doing the following. It also feels a little like stalking. (I know, I know, I've read too many Deaver and Saul novels.)

As far as CML goes, I guess Twitter would be one way for our supervisors to know what we're doing. Of course, they could just look around the branch.

1 comment:

Justin said...

"Facebook stalking" is a common phrase that people my age use to talk about checking someones stuff on facebook. People are starting to accept that they just want to know alot about other people, and that if people provide it, then they clearly want people to know about them. It's really just a redefining of privacy.

Library Thing